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Cheyenne Mountain Space Force Complex, Colorado, 1100 hours…
This was turning out to be the longest five minutes of Green Dragon’s life. Though Green Dragon was near invulnerable to most damage, especially fire and heat based attacks, and despite the fact that he was a more skilled in hand to hand combat that his opponent, Firefox’s plasma attacks were powerful enough to hurt even him. Green Dragon’s own fire based attacks weren’t harming Firefox, who made absolutely no effort to avoid them. In fact, Green Dragon suspected that his fire attacks was only making Firefox more powerful. In contrast, Green Dragon knew that he couldn’t dodge Firefox’s plasma attacks indefinitely and soon, one of his blasts was going to connect. Below him, the landscape was pot marked for miles around with eight foot deep smoldering craters where Firefox missed with his powerful plasma blasts, each impact probably causing more damage to the Cheyenne Mountain facility. Green Dragon knew that this had to end quickly and he hoped that the cameras at Cheyenne Mountain were still monitoring the battle.
Green Dragon’s only chance was to maneuver close enough to Firefox and force a physical fight. If he could get within arms distance, he was sure that he could knock the arrogant son of a bitch out. He barrel rolled to the left, narrowly avoiding getting incinerated by another one of Firefox’s blasts, then yelled, charging straight towards the plasma powered hero, the two foot long razor claws mounted on his left forearm gauntlets glowing white hot and ready to strike. Green Dragon only had time to raise it defensively across his face as one of Firefox’s plasma blasts finally connected.
The plasma blast hit Green Dragon like an artillery explosion and he tumbled uncontrolled out of the sky training fire and smoke behind him as he fell. Skidding across the ground nearly 500 feet below him, Green Dragon left a trail that scarred the earth for nearly a quarter mile before finally coming to a smoking halt in the middle of a field in the valley below. Firefox landed a few feet from where Green Dragon lay motionless, his fists glowing white and ready to fire the killing blow.
“Barbecued dragon time,” he hissed.
“Oh no you don’t, you mother jerk-face!” Firefox looked up just in time to see Sky Fyre flying low over the ground towards him, her eyes and fists ablaze with fury and fire.
“Sky Fyre,” said Firefox, holding out his hands out in front of him. “No, honey! Wait! I’m…”
A look of surprise filled Firefox’s face as Sky Fyre’s plasma fire ball struck the overpowered hero dead center of his chest. The blast explosion hurled Firefox high into the sky, trailing a fiery tail of pure plasma energy twisting behind him. He smashed into the mountainside nearly a mile away, lying motionless in the middle of a smoking crater nearly ten feet deep and fifty feet wide. Sky Fyre stood there, eyes and mouth wide with surprise. “Did I… did I… did I just…” she muttered.
“Yeah,” grunted Green Dragon, picking himself up off the ground, straightening up his helmet and massaging his bruised shoulders. Brushing large clumps of dirt and rocks off of his shoulders and neck, Green Dragon said, “You just defeated a Level 8 hero with Level 10 thermal, fire, and plasma projection powers.”
Sky Fyre leapt. “Whoo-hoo! I kicked his ass, huh, GD?”
“Language, Sky,” reprimanded Green Dragon, squinting in the distance at the thin plume of rising smoke to see if Firefox had recovered yet, and smiling to himself knowing that he and Sky Fyre would be long gone before Firefox regained consciousness.
“Sorry, GD,” said Sky Fyre. “But, wait. How did my fire ball blast knock him out? Firefox feeds off of solar and heat sources, causing fire or heat based attacks against him to actually make him stronger. My fire ball wasn’t any stronger than one of yours, GD. So how did I hurt him so bad?”
“We have to get to the detention facility in Kansas,” said Green Dragon, abruptly changing the subject. “With our stealth jet destroyed, we will have to fly ourselves directly to Ransom then figure out a way to get Doctor Genocide’s assistant out of the facility. Do you think you have the energy for it, Sky?”
“Yeah, man!” the teen heroine said, clapping. “I just kicked Firefox’s butt!”
As the pair took to the sky, the young heroine looked over to her mentor and said, “Hey, GD, did you hear that old creeper call me ‘Honey?’ What a weirdo!”
“I heard,” replied Green Dragon.
“I wonder what he was trying to say before I blasted him?” said Sky Fyre. “And what were you two talking about before the fight? I could see it on the monitors, but there wasn’t any audio.”
“It wasn’t anything important,” lied Green Dragon. “Right now, we have to keep focused on the mission at hand.”
“You got it, GD,” smiled Sky Fyre. “Ha! I just kicked Firefox’s butt and… oh… wait! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!” Sky Fyre smacked her forehead.
“What’s wrong, Sky?” Green Dragon had a worried tone in his voice. Sky Fyre was extremely intelligent and observant for a girl her age. Had she figured out the truth? Did she realize why he and Firefox had been locked in such a deadly battle? Was she aware of her mentor Green Dragon’s betrayal?
“Aww, nothing, GD,” said Sky Fyre. “I just forgot the damn bag of sandwiches back at Cheyenne Mountain!”
“Language, Sky,” said Green Dragon, relief in his voice and happy that he had deflected the subject again.
Sky Fyre looked over at her long time mentor, and squinted her eyes. “So, you’re lying to me, too,” she thought. “Okay. We’ll see about that.”
Hannover, Germany, 1800 hours local time/ 1200 hours US EST…
Azure Blade dropped Tasmanian Devil on the top of a four story red brick building near a street corner in Hannover’s famous Stone Door district, one of many blocks in the city where young people and tourists had been welcomed to party, dance, mingle, and satisfy other vices back when the world still lived. The top of the red brick building on which the three heroes now stood was one of several brothels which lined the two blocks which made up the Stone Door district. Across from the building was a line of casinos, dance clubs, and gentlemen’s lounges. The white stone building connected to the brothel and facing the wide cobblestone courtyard where local bands used to play in an open air venue was the famous Sansibar Club. The sun was setting, the fading fire red and violet skies casting long shadows across the downtown city plaza. The dead shambled below, as if taking a late day stroll or doing last minute shopping in the plaza’s department stores. There were many, but not as closely packed as they were in Amsterdam.
Azure Blade looked over the city, a dubious expression on her face. “Okay, Devil. We’re here. Now what?”
Taz lifted the bottom of his mask, exposing his mouth. Producing a fine Cuban cigar from one of his pouches, he lit it and took a deep, satisfying drag. “Now?” he said. “Now, you two broads get lost.” Taz blew a cloud of smoke into the air.
“What?” said Wyvern, her eyes blazing with fire. “What are you talking about?”
“I said,” continued Taz. “You two get lost! You need to get to Berlin. Link up with the German heroes Haupmann Schnell and Schutzen Meister at the research laboratories. Go find out what you can!”
“And what about you, Devil?” said Azure Blade, threateningly. “Were you really serious about getting drunk tonight? And why here? Why in Hannover? Why at this particular place?”
Tasmanian Devil chuckled. “Yes, that was the plan and yes, I have my reasons for being here.” He took another drag of his cigar and blew the smoke towards the beautiful female heroine, Azure Blade.
“What’s the matter, blue eyes,” he smirked. “After all these years we’ve worked together. Don’t you trust me?”
“Yes?” whispered Wyvern.
“No!” yelled Azure Blade.
“No!” repeated Wyvern.
Taz rolled his eyes, chuckling again but without any humor. “Let’s just say we’re killing two birds with one stone. You two get to Berlin. I’ve got something to find out here.”
“Why the secrecy, Devil?” persisted Azure Blade. “What is so important that you have to do it alone?”
“Because I do!” growled Tasmanian Devil, swiftly unsheathing both of his sword-scythes from the two scabbards on his back and taking a fighting stance facing Azure Blade. For her part, Azure Blade instantly drew her two glowing blue swords in her hands as she squared off against Tasmanian Devil.
“You may be a Level 7 hero with Level 9 fighting ability, blue eyes,” snarled Tasmanian Devil. “But you’ve never bested me when we sparred in practice.”
“I was holding back on you, Devil,” responded the powerful female sword master. “Two of our comrades have already died on this mission and one remains under siege in London. Why are you so eager to abandon the mission and get rid of us? Is it so that you can run?”
“Nobody calls me a coward!” yelled Taz, charging towards Azure Blade with his right arm cocked back, ready to deal a killing blow with his sword-scythe. Azure Blade also yelled angrily, her twin blades wind milling in front of her as she charged towards the berserker hero. One fireball slammed into Azure Blade while another struck Tasmanian Devil, flinging both of them backwards and slamming each of them painfully on opposite sides of the rooftop ledge so hard that large chunks of concrete fell to the street below.
Wyvern hovered over them, her eyes and hands blazing with fire. “Go ahead, you two stupid fuckers! Give me another excuse!” She raised both fists, pointing them at her teammates.
Taz rubbed his head as he slowly and painfully got to his feet, his battle suit smoking from where the fireball hit him. “You roasted my cigar,” he groaned, tossing his ruined cigar aside.
“You’re lucky that’s the only thing I roasted,” sneered Wyvern.
“You said, ‘If you are still alive in the morning,” said Azure Blade. She was already standing tall, pointing one of her swords at Taz, although she was wincing in pain from the fire ball blow she took from Wyvern. “What did you mean by that?”
“I mean just what I said,” said Taz. “Meet me here in the morning. If I’m dead, you’ll know that I failed. If not, then I’ll have help. But only I can do it. I’m the only one they trust. If they see you two, they may bail, and any chance we have of saving the world may vanish.”
“Who?” yelled Azure Blade. “Who are you meeting?”
“You won’t like it if I told you, so you’ll have to trust me.” answered Taz, feeling around in one of his modular pouches attached to his battle suit belt.
Wyvern gently put her hand on Azure Blade’s shoulder. “Blade. We’re running out of time. If he wants to stay. If he wants to run. We can’t stop him. But if we come back in the morning, and he is neither dead or has brought help; if we find him laid out drunk and hung-over, I’ll fry him myself.”
Azure Blade looked at Wyvern, a heroine as innocent, bashful, and timid as she was beautiful and powerful. Wyvern was more a follower than a leader. Before she was gifted with super powers and became the heroine known as Wyvern, Krysta was a young Catholic nun from Ireland. But now? Something had changed. The young and inexperienced hero Wyvern, though supremely powerful, was also relatively untrained, unworldly, and extremely timid. Before she had gained her superhuman powers from the comet, Krysta was an attractive, red haired, twenty-one year old nun from Waterford, Ireland. An orphan secluded from the secular world, living much of her life in a convent, she had moved to New York two years ago to serve with the Catholic diocese there. Her superpowers manifested soon afterwards and for the past year, the heroine now known as Wyvern was recruited to serve with the US government super hero Operation Team Bravo. Azure Blade simply exhaled and nodded, giving Taz a distrustful glare before she and Wyvern took to the sky, flying east towards Berlin.
Later, Tasmanian Devil sat on the ledge of the rooftop of the brothel, dangling his feet and watching as an increasing mass of dead roamed below him, attracted as they were by the yelling and blasts of fire coming from the roof. They would have eventually made it to the roof where Taz was sitting, but Wyvern blasted the stairwell leading up to the roof before she and Azure Blade flew to Berlin.
Taz watched as the streets darkened below him, the moaning from the dead getting steadily louder. Soon, the light would fade and the dead would lose interest and shamble onwards. Taz tossed away the small empty bottle of Mint-Peppermint schnapps that the Dutch commander had given to him back in Amsterdam and pulled out the second bottle from a modular pouch on his belt.
“Thank God for plastic liquor bottles,” he thought, unscrewing the cap. Reaching into another pouch, he took out a small headphone transmitter, one set to a hidden frequency that none of his comrades or the US government could trace. “I’m here,” he said.
“Yeah, we know,” said the surprisingly clear voice at the other end. “Jeez, Master Sergeant! Could you have made any more noise? Fucking Metallica makes less noise than you!”
“I had to convince the rest of the team to leave,” replied Taz.
“Well, okay,” said the voice on the other end. “Come on down, then.”
“What?” said Taz. “You really wanted to meet inside the Sansibar?”
“Yes, I really wanted to meet inside the Sansibar!” said the other voice. “After every combat tour, we always met in Hannover, at the Sansibar, to blow off steam and get a little down time before returning home to the States. Come on down, Master Sergeant!”
Taz exhaled, steeling himself for what was obviously a trap. Four stories up with no way to get down off the roof, Taz jumped off the side, landing on the three story roof of the casino across the narrow cobblestone street . Pivoting, he leapt again dropping to the second story balcony of the brothel he was just on before somersaulting forwards, sword-scythes in hands and landing in the middle of a pack of the dead beside the Sansibar entrance. Taz immediately took a fighting stance, expecting to have to fight his way into the large night club. Instead, however, the dead parted ways, forming a makeshift clear corridor which led to the entrance of the Sansibar. Alarmingly, the club was now brightly lit. Two large muscular dead men, probably bouncers for the Sansibar while they still lived, emerged from inside the club and opened the doors. Knowing that this indeed was a trap, Tasmanian Devil none the less ran through the corridor created by the dead, both sword-scythes held across forearm to elbow in case the dead attacked as he burst into the club. With a start, Tasmanian Devil realized as he passed through the doors of the Sansibar that the two muscular bouncers were still alive!
The two bouncers closed the glass doors behind them as Taz spun around, ready to strike with his wicked blades should the two men attack him. Both men were extremely muscular, each wearing some type of makeshift, armored football pad uniforms with wicked spikes mounted on the shoulders, leather gauntlets and gloves infused with more armor plates, and black and red leather pants lined with yet more armored padding. The only difference between the two bearded brutes was that one had a Mohawk whilst the other had a reverse Mohawk.
“Hey,” said Taz. “I know you dudes! You two were super powered executive body guards before the world went to shit. The Intimidators, right? ”
The brute with the Mohawk, the one Taz knew as the German mercenary called Barbarian, extended a hand towards the bar and speaking in German, said, “Sit, please,” in a gruff but not unfriendly tone.
Taz looked over to Barbarian’s partner, the equally huge mercenary with the reverse Mohawk named Highlander. He simply puffed out his chest, crossing his massive arms. Highlander, predictably from the Scottish Isles, nodded towards the bar, saying nothing. Taz turned, facing the long, well lit bar still stocked from counter to ceiling with bottles of liquor and taps of beer. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw the lady standing behind the bar.
“Alda? You’re still alive?” said Taz in German.
Alda, the short platinum blonde bartender in her late thirties stared questioningly at the hero. “You…ummm…. you look different from when I last saw you. They say it’s you under that mask. But…”
Tasmanian Devil removed his mask, revealing a grim faced, middle aged man with short cropped white hair, thick furrowed brows, haunted grey eyes and a mouth in a permanent scowl framed by short, white stubble. “This better? How’ve you been, Alda?” Tasmanian Devil, smiled revealing incisor teeth that were twice as long as the average human’s.
“Yep. That’s you alright!” Alda laughed. “Although I think I like you better with that silly mask on your face!” She reached up and grabbed a tall glass from the rack over the bar. “Go ahead and sit down. It’s been a while. Can I get you your usual?”
There was always something about Alda’s voice, so gravelly, yet so seductively German, that appealed to Taz. “Where is he, Alda?”
Alda slid the long island iced tea in front of Taz, nodding her head and motioning to the side of the bar where an opening led to stone steps going down to the restrooms and storage spaces under the club. “He wanted to make sure you were alone, which is why he had Floppsy and Moppsy over there to greet you!”
“Hey!” yelled Highlander. Taz looked past the two mercenaries, outside past the glass doors where the dead seemed to have formed a protective barrier around the club, facing outwards.
“Master Sergeant Gunther!” A tall figure wearing a white mask and white cowl emerged from the stairway. He wore a red battle suit with white straps, gloves and combat boots. Two submachine guns where strapped to each thigh, two pistols on each waist, and a Carl Gustov rocket launcher was slung across his back. Over his right eye on his white mask was a gun-targeting, lead angle site that homed in on Taz.
Closely behind him came another man wearing a black, skull shaped helmet, black leather jacket and pants, over a white shirt with a black skull and crossbones design on it. In the man’s hands was a black steel mace. Next to him came another young man with wavy dark blonde hair, sunglasses, a black leather jacket and black leather pants. He wore a red leather shirt with a stylized ‘A’ in the middle of a black star design. Tasmanian Devil recognized the first two guys, but the last one looked like a young David Hasselhoff if he had decided to take up being a rock star instead of an actor. Taz figured he had to be German. Immediately, Taz leapt off the bar stool, holding his sword-scythes in a defensive fighting position as he faced the threats. Alda yelped and ducked under the bar as everyone else took fighting stances, surrounding the outnumbered hero.
The one with the white mask and cowl held up his hands towards Taz. “Whoa, there, Gunther! We’re all friends here! Is that how you greet your former commander? Hell, back in the day, you used to salute me!”
“That was before you became a damned assassin and domestic terrorist!” growled Taz. “Back then, you were Lieutenant Colonel Mayfield , MARSOC, and I was your senior ranking NCO, Master Sergeant Gunther. Those days are long gone. Now, you’re the murderer known as Arsenal, the leader of the criminal group known as the Jail Breakers who specialize in breaking super criminals out of prison. I’m the hero known as Tasmanian Devil, and the guy standing next to you with the black skull mask is the toady known as Dick Face! The only one who I don’t recognize is that Hitler youth wannabe’ who is skulking around behind you!”
“Black Skull,” yelled the man wearing the black skull helmet, hefting his mace threateningly at Taz. “You better call me by my correct name!”
“I’m Captain Awesome,” said the other man, pushing past the villain Black Skull and speaking English but in a thick German accent.
“Hero?” laughed the villain named Arsenal. “Really, Gunther? You call yourself a hero?” Arsenal continued laughing as he took a seat at the bar, motioning his two henchmen Black Skull and Captain Awesome to sit down with him. Barbarian and Highlander remained at the doors, obviously being paid by whatever currency that was valuable to them to keep watch and safeguard this meeting between hero and villains.
“Alda, would you kindly pour us a tumbler of your best bourbon, bitte?” Arsenal reached up, pulling back on his white cowl and removed his mask. Short cropped jet black hair topped a handsome black face, a thin, well trimmed moustache over his lips. The man now known as Arsenal had the dashing good looks of a black, Hollywood, action hero, save for the deep scar that cut from his upper right forehead and down across his lower right chin, a present given to him from Tasmanian Devil during their first battle when neither knew each other’s identity. In truth, if Tasmanian Devil had known that Arsenal was actually his former commanding officer, he may have plunged both his sword-scythes into his heart, instead.
“Come on, now Gunther,” said Arsenal. “I’ve wondered that for a long, long time. After everything we’ve done, after everything I know about you, how can you call yourself a hero?”
“Why am I here, Mayfield?” said Tasmanian Devil. “Why are those dead outside not attacking us?”
“I mean, admit it Master Sergeant,” continued Arsenal, ignoring Tasmanian Devil’s questions. “You’ve forgotten more people you’ve killed than I’ll ever remember people I’ve killed. So what? That comet gives you enhanced powers. The government gave you a fancy battle suit, a stupid code name, and an obscenely huge weekly paycheck and you now think you’re a hero?”
Arsenal downed his bourbon in one gulp, setting it down on the bar as Alda filled it again. “C’mon, Master Sergeant. Aside from tying to make an honest buck, what makes you any different than me?”
“Dammit, Mayfield,” Taz slammed his fist on the bar and making all of the glasses jump. “I didn’t come here to drink and catch up on old times with you as if nothing ever happened! Those were civilians that you had killed in Afghanistan! I don’t know what brought you here to Germany and frankly, I don’t care! I have a world to save! That’s what makes me different from you!”
Arsenal glanced over at Taz, who was sitting next to him at the bar and rested his chin on his hand. “Really, Gunther?” said Arsenal calmly, almost condescendingly. “You have a world to save? And how do you expect to do that, hmm?” He took a sip from his bourbon, savoring the smooth taste as it flowed down his throat. “Would it surprise you to know that that’s why we are here? It’s our world as well, you know.”
“What the hell are you talking about, Mayfield?” said Taz.
“You’ve already seen it, Master Sergeant,” said Arsenal. “Look outside. Go ahead. There are one hundred of the dead standing guard in front of the Sansibar, keeping the other dead from trying to enter. And they’ll be there for at least another three hours under his control before the nano’s expire.”
“His control?” said Tasmanian Devil, eying his former commanding officer suspiciously as he sipped his long island ice tea. “Who is in control?”
“Him,” said Arsenal, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb back where the stairs were. “He was our last mission. He was the last person the Jail Breakers broke out of SEAD custody, and believe me, you’ll thank me for it.”
“I’m pleased that you would come all this way just to see me,” said a figure climbing up the stairs. “It’s Mister Tasmanian Devil, isn’t it?”
“You!” growled Tasmanian Devil, grabbing up his sword-scythes and leaping towards the frail looking figure standing at the top of the stairs with the wild, unkempt, hair wearing a dirty white lab coat. When Tasmanian Devil’s former commanding officer, now turned super criminal, contacted him and asked him to meet him here in Hannover to have a meeting with someone who had the ability to save the world, the hero never imagined it would be this monster. It was him! Public enemy number one before the world died. It was this old man whose mechanical abominations had been responsible for murdering untold thousands of innocent people in his quest to wipe out mankind.
“I’ll kill you, you monster!” raged Tasmanian Devil. “I’ll kill you, Doctor Genocide!”
Continued in Mission Two- The Only Heroes Are The Dead Ones...
submitted by Taxi_Dancer to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

I used to Uber in LA. I saw some weird things.

When I was in college I found myself Ubering to make money. This was in Southern California, and LA at the time was a constant flow of work. Occasionally you’d pick people up in a nice area and they’d tell you that they were sleeping with someone in a relationship, or that they themselves were cheating. This was depressingly common. I think that saying what they were doing to someone gave them a weird kind of relief.
Once I drove someone from Hollywood to Hemet, CA. He was very charming, and funny. When I dropped him off it was at a big blue building that they buzzed us into. He left me a $200 cash tip. I later found out this was what is known as “Gold base” for the church of scientology. If you don’t know what that is, it’s a completely normal not weird at all in any way location owned by the church of scientology. Feel free to google it!
A few months into my “taxi” career. Insurance companies started using ride share service, and some people who were more down on their luck would use it. Sometimes this was people just trying to get their kids to school, but sometimes it was much sadder. I can’t tell you how many times I showed up to a doctors office to see someone with accessibility limitations face drop at seeing my tiny car instead of a van like they needed.
The people with substance problems were interactions that would stay with you.
Once I picked a man going to a dental appointment and I drove him for about a half hour. He told me about how he used to run drugs in the 90’s, until they caught him with a few pounds of coke. He told me about when he was moved from Nevada to Florida for trial. How he travelled handcuffed in a van. How the cops would stop only once a day at McDonalds and for their one dollar menu item of the day. He asked me to stop at a liquor store he chugged a tiny bottle of booze, shoved mints into his mouth, then sipped on a soda.
He smelled like pure alcohol when I dropped him off at the dentist.
Near my house there was a methadone clinic. I would get up before dawn to be able to take those rides. (Early bird gets the worm right) Almost always they were sweet, and thankful. Sometimes they were a little out of it but I never felt in danger or anything like that. Just good people going through tough times. These rides were the most consistently depressing.
People who were going to court clearly drunk or high. Older women who had trouble requesting a ride and had been waiting in the parking lot of their dialysis place into the night.
They’d tell their stories sometimes. A person who was going to court for a child custody case, people struggling with mental illness. Some mornings were exhausting.
Being up that early you’d hit another crowd that I had never anticipated. Funeral goers. The saddest funeral ride was when a man and a woman got into my backseat. Rather than speaking to me the man handed me a neon printout of a map of a cemetery with instructions on what plot to go to. With, “Hello, I am attending my father’s funeral. My wife and I are deaf. Please follow these directions.” Written on the back of it.
The whole ride I could hear them signing to one another and trying not to cry.
There were also the retired gamblers. They’d leave their houses at 7 in the morning, take a $70 uber out to the desert, and spend the whole day gambling at the reservation casinos. The desert is where I saw the weirdest things.
The desert was the only place I had ever felt scared driving. It was in Temecula the “wine country” of so cal. Lots of wooded roads and desert. I picked up a lady just off the freeway at what I initially assumed was the edge of a golf resort but it was an unpaved access road. It was late and that area was especially dark. I was getting ready to call the passenger I saw them coming down the unpaved access road.
It was a tall blonde woman in a very nice pant suit. She was absurdly put together considering she had walked god knows how long in heels down a dirt rock road. She got into the car and was very pleasant. She said she lived in a gated community that was hard to get Ubers too and it was easier to send me to the access road. I thought it was weird but I did not want to be creepy asking about where she lived.
She was friendly, chatty even. She was going to a dinner party, and as she spoke to me I could feel her looking at me in the rearview mirror the entire ride. We drove a half hour away from the freeway. To one of those rural chic neighborhoods that you would hear celebrities had huge parties at.
Eventually we reached the “address” which was a paved road lined with trees. She told me to keep driving and I didn’t think much of it because again we were in a mansion style neighborhood. We hit a white ranch style fence after a minute or so going down the road.
That was the when I started to feel a bit uneasy. There were around a dozen no trespassing signs, and one of those classic “Forget the dog, beware of owner” signs with a guy pointing a pistol at you. I thought it was more than a little blunt to have that many signs but hey not my property.
We drove for about a minute when we came to another fence. It was at the top of a hill and it overlooked a barn with some lights in the distance. I know this sounds weird but it was unpleasant. I couldn’t put my finger on it. It was just a barn with what looked like a barbecue going on. But being out in the woods without any light had freaked me out.
The passenger told me I could just slide the gate open. As I approached the fence, I saw some signs that made me stop cold.
Off to the side of the gate, not quite in the dark, but on the fringes of my headlights. There were metal signs with bullet holes through them. Swaztikas, and confederate flags brightly displayed.
So-Cal has a lot of white supremacist pockets. I had dropped off dozens of passengers in Cities like Norco, and driven down streets with people drinking in the garage, and a nazi flag proudly hung behind them. It wasn’t my favorite but I wasn’t spending any time in those neighborhoods more than I needed to. This was different though.
It was after 11pm at night, and I had no idea where I was. I opened the gate , and down the road I saw what I assume were cellphone flashlights lighting up and coming up the incline. This made me very uncomfortable. I went back and I told the woman that I didn’t think my car could make it back up the hill if I went down it.
“What are you talking about? Just take me it’s right there.”
She was getting more heated and I could see the lights slowly making their way up the hill.
She kept telling me I needed to cancel the ride, and that she wouldn’t pay to not be taken the entire way. I told her the pin I was supposed to take her too was a mile back up the road, but I was so nervous I relented and cancelled on my end. She slammed the door as she got out.
I took off before I could see the cellphone light people get closer. The road back was much rougher at the speed I was going at. I felt a bump that felt like I hit a body but I kept going. My car was driving like shit but I kept driving till I was past the fence, out of the rich neighborhood until I stopped at a gas station. My right rear tire was fucked up, and I needed to change it.
There was a few nails that looked like they had been attached to a piece of wood on my tire. I was freaked out so hard and sometimes I wish I had called the cops and reported it. But of course all that happened was I got a flat on a back road, and I didn’t want to spend the rest of my night waiting on a cop car.
I know it’s far more likely that I freaked myself out than a bunch of nazis planning to mess with a random Uber driver. But when I pick up a well dressed businesswoman from a remote location, and drop her off at a separate remote location, gives me chills that I have trouble explaining to this day.
submitted by JimmyPritchit to creepyencounters [link] [comments]

Bachelor Party Itinerary Review. Help me make sure we got it all covered.

Hey guys,
This forum has been a huge help in planning my buddies bachelor party, but I wanted to run down our proposed itinerary for our trip from April 2-5. We are coming from Florida, have a group of 11 guys ages 25-30, and are staying at Planet Hollywood. We fly in early Thursday and don't fly until 10 pm Sunday, both direct flights with JetBlue.
-Land at 11:45 am. Head to PH and try to check in early, then go hit a liquor store or Walgreens to load up on water, snacks, and alcohol.
-Roam the strip and gamble during the day. See the Bellagio fountains and all the other big Strip hotel/casinos.
-Grab a decent lunch (Need recommendations)
-Hit the High Roller Happy Hour then go see Absinthe.
-Explore Freemont Street Bars and Casinos the rest of the night.
-Good breakfast (Need Recommendations)
-Sapphire Pool Party. Renting Bachelor Cabana. (Please let me know if this is good or not)
-Regroup at the Hotel.
-Hit a nice dinner (Need Recommendations). Probably will be tough with the size of our group.
-Gamble and drink for while.
-Hit Palomino.
-Day Pass to spa in the morning to recuperate. May not be many of us but I know I'll be down for this. Need recommendations on good day pass spas on the strip.
-Possibly hit a traditional pool party at either Marquee, Drais, or Encore.
-Anyone recommend using the Sin City Pool or club crawl?
-Do a club crawl or hit a club since it will be out last night.
-Hit the Mob & Neon Museum
-Stroll Freemont one last time.
-Stroll the Strip and gamble one last time.
-Hit the hotel for a nap.
-Chill until flight.
This is a good outline of everything we plan on hitting. Was also thinking about a round of golf on Sunday since we don't fly out until 10pm. What golf courses are decently nice and about 70-100$ a man? None of us have ever been to Vegas so places to eat are where we mainly need help. Also, be as harsh as you want I don't want to waste time on something thats not worth it. We are a group that will have money to spend, I would say after booking everything each guy in our group is bringing about $1500-$2000 to spend.

Any recommendations are greatly appreciated we are trying to nail this trip since we may all not be back together for a long time.
submitted by Gmeaney17 to vegas [link] [comments]

Hey, you're going to Las Vegas for RLCS LAN? Here's a quick run down for what you need to know if you are not a regular.

I'm a Vegas regular. I travel there for work and play between 6-10 times a year. I've been to Vegas somewhere around 70 times.
Here are some tips, in no particular order.
Orleans Arena is "off strip". It is part of the Orleans Hotel and Casino. If you choose to stay at The Orleans, you will have a 10 minute ubelyft back and forth from the strip. The Strip is the part of Vegas that you always see when you think of Vegas. It's called Las Vegas Boulavard. Orleans is a property that basically has nothing around it, and there is not really much to see without a 20 minute walk to the Palms, or a 20 minute walk to the Rio.
If you are only going to eat, drink, and breathe RLCS, staying at the Orleans is probably a good idea. But if you want to experience Vegas, you want to stay on the strip.
Lodging can be had for cheap, up to more expensive. The cost of hotel rooms is usually based on the property location on the strip, as the more central hotels are the nicer ones.
Bellagio, Aria, and the Cosmo are the best places to stay that are in the middle. They will cost anywhere between $250-$400 a night. A great central location hotel that is more economical is Planet Hollywood, which is right across from the Bellagio. Rooms can be had here for closer to $150 a night.
If you go to the end of the strip, you can have rooms for under $100, such as treasure island, Park MGM, NYNY, and Mandalay Bay, and if you really want to live economical on strip, you can go somewhere like Luxor (far end of strip) The Linq (more middle) and The Mirage.
Any of the places listed above are on strip, and you can get the full Vegas experience. Hotels such as the Palms, Gold Coast, the Rio, Stratosphere, and the Hard Rock are so far off strip that they are extremely isolated from walking distance to most of the action in Vegas.
Weather.... You're going to the Western US in the Desert, the Western US in the Desert is not what you would expect in November. You will be lucky to see temperatures above 70F, and at night it will drop down into the low 40's. Bring warm clothes!
Walking around vegas:
DO NOT, and I repeat DO NOT purchase a single thing from a street vendor. They will try selling you drink coupons, VIP tickets to shows, discounted show tickets, and just about any drug imaginable. Do not give any of these people money for any reason.
While I do not any drugs, some of my friends do, and now that marijuana is completely legal in Las Vegas, everyone raves about going to Essence Cannabis Dispensary. I've been there, and it is amazing, but I can't really speak for their product.
Skanks.... DO NOT be taken advantage of the "street walkers" and "casino crawlers" that are trying to be your friend, will want to go to your room, and after "the deed" is complete, will extort you for money. The rule of thumb, if a girl approaches you in a casino, or on the strip and is acting over friendly, they are probably a hooker, and their pimp is probably within shouting distance.
You can drink on the strip, but you CANNOT have glass. It is usually cheaper to purchase liquor or beer from one of the many CVS stores on strip.
All casinos will give you free drinks while you are playing, but sometimes the waitresses are few and far between. If you are going to be at a craps table or a slot machine for a long time, it is always a good idea to tip them very well and they will come by often.
I stay at the Bellagio the most, but my favorite places to gamble (I don't play slot machines) is a place called O'Sheas in The Linq. It is a total party atmosphere with live bands, beer pong, bean bags, and tons of table games. I think there are close to 50 tables. I'm a sucker for 3 card, and can play there for 10 hours straight.
McCarran international airport (LAS) is a nice place. Do NOT play slot machines there, as the odds are the worst of any place in Nevada. If you have an Amex Cent/Plat card, they have a Centurion lounge which has a full bar, and huge food selection, all for free.
Do not take a Taxi if you don't have to. Taxi drivers in Vegas are notorious for taking "the long way home" and you will be taken advantage of. There is a huge amount of Lyft and Ubers in the city at all times of the day. DO NOT rent a car in vegas. Parking is expensive and driving is pure gridlock.
Last but not least, if you have time, go to the "old strip" which is called Freemont Street. Old vegas is amazing, and there are a bunch of places that should be seen. You can go to the heart attack grill and get spanked for not eating your bacon cheeseburger with 50 strips of bacon, or you can go to the D Casino and have dealers in underwear. Street performers are everywhere, and it is just a good time. WATCH OUT FOR PICK POCKETERS!
Food is expensive in Vegas. The days of "cheap buffets" are gone. A burgefries will set you back somewhere around $20 in the casinos, and the chain restaurants have heavily inflated prices. The best place to eat on the strip is the miracle mile mall that is attached to planet hollywood. A bunch of the restaurants in there offer amazing drink specials and very affordable food.
I hope I covered some basics, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I'll help you out the best I can.
submitted by eurostylin to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

Things to Do This Week in Phoenix (December 25 - December 31)

Week of: December 25 - December 31
This is a weekly thread of things going on in and around the Phoenix metro area. All types of events are welcome, including focused events for different interest groups, kid friendly, etc.
Please visit the UPDATED FAQ for Weekly Events
Comment with your event below and I'll add it to the list. Thanks!
Before you attend, please inquire to make sure the event is taking place.
Looking for the other things to do? Check out the FAQ for more suggestions
Feel free to add your own events below. Just list where in the Valley it happens, a cost if there is one, and who might find it interesting. Please also indicate if the event happens each week. People may be interested in trying something new but not know what is expected to get involved.
Please upvote people who share good/interesting events, even if it may not be something you will attend.
submitted by MrNotDucks to phoenix [link] [comments]

D.C. Weekend Event Guide 10/17 - 10/19

UPDATED 10/17 AT 8:00 A.M.
If you know of an event that isn't yet listed, please post a comment and I will add it to the list. Events listed in bold are weekend highlights!
Magnificant Intentions Music Festival | Friday - Sunday | Magnificent Intentions Music Festival is the brainchild of DC-area musician Ryan Walker (of the bands The Beanstalk Library and The Cowards Choir). The idea for the festival was sparked when Ryan was watching the Grammys and realized he had a plethora of friends in the area who make music as good as (if not better than) what was on display at the awards show. Taking place at IOTA Club and Café in Arlington, VA from October 17th through the 19th, the festival takes its name from a quote by Charles Dickens, calling DC the “city of magnificent intentions.” Curated and produced by Ryan, along with band mates, friends and other key members of the DC-area music scene, the festival will be a three-day showcase and celebration of a wide variety of high quality acts from the DC area. Recommended by EPiC212.
Adams Morgan PorchFest | Saturday, 3:00 p.m. | It may never be easier to get up close and personal with the musical talent of Washington than at the second annual Adams Morgan PorchFest when the front porches of homes and a few local businesses are transformed into intimate performance spaces to be enjoyed by anyone who happens to stroll by. Inspired by similar PorchFest events across the country aimed at creating a family friendly, neighborhood-based alternative to the nightclub music scene, Adams Morgan’s version will span an eclectic range of styles from Brazilian, Irish and jazz, to indie rock, children’s music and even Egyptian Nubian folkloric. Adams Morgan PorchFest is free to the public and presented by Adams Morgan Partnership Business Improvement District in partnership with Cultural Tourism DC.
DC Author Festival | Saturday, 9:30 a.m. | Enjoy readings, workshops, and over 70 local author and publisher vendor booths. Presented by DC Public Libraries.
DC United v. Chicago Fire | Saturday, 7:00 p.m. | Come cheer on DC United during their last regular season home game. DC can clinch 1st place in the East going into the playoffs and qualify for next season's Champions League if they get a tie or win. Recommended by doriangray512 and stonewallnilgoals. spanish_bread shared "a heads up to people who might want to buy tickets at the stadium. The game will most likely sellout so try and get your tickets before then!"
Let's Get Lucky Casino Night! | Saturday, 7:00 p.m. | For three special hours, guests will test their luck at craps, roulette, blackjack, poker, and the money wheel. At the end of the night, winnings can be used to purchase raffle tickets for exciting prizes! The $95 ticket price includes 1,000 Lucky Dog Dollars to start the fun. All proceeds from the event will benefit Lucky Dog Animal Rescue, a volunteer-run 501c3 working to save dogs and cats from certain euthanasia. Recommended by L2Forest.
Lit Up Ball at Artisphere: Bond, James Bond Theme | Saturday, 8:00 p.m. | Attendees are encouraged to don their best 1950s-60s attire for an evening of intrigue and glamour, by way of Ian Fleming’s iconic James Bond. Highlights include a jazz orchestra performing 1950s-60s and Bond-inspired music, dance instructors showing era-appropriate dances, raffles for wide variety of prizes and prize packages, desserts, and alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks available for purchase by credit/debit cards. Prizes for best 1950s-60 style attire!
MeccaFest | Saturday, 12:00 p.m. | For 72 hours every October, Washington transforms into the epicenter of American hip-hop during Howard University’s annual homecoming weekend. Enter MeccaFest, a day-long concert being thrown in Southeast Washington by a group of bootstrapping Howard alums. The festival’s bigger names include robotic rap balladeer Future; R&B lothario Jeremih; teenage hit-makers Rae Sremmurd; go-go legends Backyard Band; Black Cobain, a local rapper who still has the best stage name on Earth; and Elle Varner. Event highlighted by The Washington Post.
Mimosa March | Saturday | Enjoy six special editions of the champagne classic -- all INCLUDED in your ticket -- as you explore six of Dupont Circle's best bars during this all day mimosa adventure. You also get specials on food pairings, liquor pairings and additional beers. A portion of ALL proceeds will go to Stand Up For Kids charity.
Bethesda Row Arts Festival | Saturday - Sunday | The Bethesda Row Arts Festival transforms four blocks downtown Bethesda into an outdoor art gallery featuring fine arts and crafts for sale from 190 museum quality artists in the Bethesda Row area of Bethesda, Maryland. Here is a link to the Festival map showing artist booth locations, parking, dining, shopping and more.
Claude Moore Colonial Farm AUTUMN MARKET FAIR | Saturday - Sunday | Warm yourself by the fire and enjoy the splendor of autumn with crisp local apples and hearty breads. Stop by the Shady Pig and Turkey Tavern for a cup of mulled wine before you begin your holiday shopping at the many tradesmen's and merchant's stalls. Period food, beverages, and wares available for purchase. Recommended by hysilvinia.
Fredericksburg Fall Home Show | Saturday - Sunday | The Fall Home Show is a great place for homeowners to knock out their to-do lists! Over 100 vendors will be on hand to give advice on any projects or repairs your home needs. Plus you can get your holiday shopping started early with high-quality crafts, including home decor, specialty foods, knick-knacks, clothing, photography, pottery and more! Recommended by alicelily.
Noir City DC: The 2014 Film Noir Festival | * October 18 - 30* | Following on the 12th edition of Noir City in San Francisco, this year’s edition goes international, exploding the long-held belief that noir stories and style are a specifically American phenomenon. Focusing on the years immediately following World War II, this year's festival features classic noir films from France, Mexico, Japan, Argentina, Germany, Spain, Norway and Britain, as well as a complementary sampling of homegrown Hollywood product. Familiar American stars such as Robert Mitchum, Ava Gardner, Orson Welles, Dan Duryea and Lizabeth Scott share the screen with international superstars Jean Gabin, Olga Zubarry, Toshirô Mifune, Ninón Sevilla and Yves Montand. The 21 films in this series should leave little doubt that the cinematic movement known as "noir" spanned the globe, and its style, sexiness and cynicism crossed all international borders.
Oyster Festival | Saturday - Sunday | Its that time of year once again. When, for oyster lovers, the St. Marys County fairgrounds near Leonardtown transform to nirvana. Oysters served up raw, scalded, grilled on the barbie, on bread, on the half shell, stewed, nude, cooked in savory sauces, in salads, even in desserts, just about every way imaginable and then some. Theyre here for the eating and enjoying at the Annual St. Marys County Oyster Festival. This year's festival will be held on Saturday and Sunday, October 18th and 19th at the Fairgrounds on Route 5 just south of Leonardtown. Recommended by fuji96.
Tysons Fall Harvest | Saturday - Sunday | Bring The Kids For the 1st Annual Tysons Fall Harvest Festival! Stroll through the arts and crafts booths and taste some of the fun flavors of Fall. It is all here for the reaping… bring your family and friends and carve out some special memories!
World of Montgomery Festival | Sunday, 12:00 p.m. | The World of Montgomery Festival at Westfield Wheaton on Sunday October 19th will celebrate the diverse cultural heritages which play an active role in the lives of Montgomery County residents and communities. The festival showcases this rich diversity through food, music, dance, traditional arts and hands-on projects for children and families.
National Building Museum Haunted Historic Ghost Tour | Friday, 8:00 p.m. | Explore the haunted past of the National Building Museum. See a different side of the Museum on this lantern-light tour. Mysteries and surprises await as you explore the dark side of our historic building. Recommended by alicelily.
Wicked Women Burlesque Show | Friday, 9:00 p.m. | As Halloween approaches, evil invades your town with a new name: The Love Show! This event is 21+.
Raven's Night | Saturday | Raven’s Night, Metro DC’s most unique, hedonistic and artistic Halloween event, ushers in the season on October 18, 2014 at The Birchmere. Now in its fourth year, this sensational modern take on the traditional masquerade ball celebrates every devilish trick and sexy treat of Halloween. The theme for 2014 is Sci-Fi Phantasm…so fire up your retro rockets, check your fuel intake, and prepare to blast off into another universe!As with past years, Raven’s Night: Sci-Fi Phantasm 2014 includes three distinct events woven into one: mesmerizing world-class dance performances at The Cabaret Macabre; a dinner concert featuring live music; and a pre-show event combining an alternative World’s Fair-styled exposition and sideshow, including Tarot card readings, magic and belly-dancing. Recommended by t-readyroc.
DC DEAD | Saturday - Sunday | Explore the hidden hallways of Fort Fringe in NW Washington, DC. Salvage supplies and maybe save humanity...but watch out, the undead are lurking just around the corner. DC DEAD is an immersive game - you will be chasing Zombies and Zombies will be chasing you! Please come prepared to stand, climb stairs, scavenge for supplies and dodge that fatal swipe from the infected Undead! Recommended by bonnieirisheyes. Half price tickets available here.
Pumpkin Harvest Days at Butler's Orchard | October 4 - 26 | Bring your friends and your sense of adventure and come out to the farm to enjoy a crisp autumn afternoon full of fall fun. From learning about the pumpkin life-cycle to picking their own pumpkin, children will learn about how food is grown and harvested while engaging in enjoyable, educational learning stations. Recommended by alicelilly.
Zola Jesus at the Hirshhorn After Hours | Friday, 8:00 p.m. | We invite you to join us on October 17 to mark the 40th anniversary of the Hirshhorn Museum, view our new exhibitions Days of Endless Time and At the Hub of Things: New Views of the Collection, and to be part of the dynamic future of the Hirshhorn and the Smithsonian. The evening includes late-night gallery hours, curator-led tours, film screenings, and a live performance by Zola Jesus. Recommended by doriangray512.
AAFSW Art & Book Fair | Saturday - Sunday | Thousands of used books, paintings, art objects, jewelry, textiles and treasures from around the world plus CDs, DVDs, maps, ephemera, stamps, coins, paper money and much more will be available to the public at Art & BookFair 2014.
White House Fall Garden Tours | Saturday - Sunday | This fall, the White House will be opening its gardens and grounds to visitors on Saturday, October 18 from 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM EDT, and Sunday, October 19 from 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM EDT. During this event, visitors can see the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, Rose Garden and South Lawn of the White House. Additionally, the White House Kitchen Garden – the first vegetable garden at the White House since Eleanor Roosevelt’s Victory Garden – will be accessible to guests. This event is free and open to the public; however, a ticket is required for all attendees (including small children). The National Park Service will distribute free, timed tickets at the Ellipse Visitor Pavilion located at 15th and E Streets Northwest on each tour day beginning at 9:00 AM. Tickets will be distributed -- one ticket per person -- on a first-come, first-served basis.
Friends of SW DC Public Library Book Sale | Saturday - Sunday | Hundreds of new books: bestsellers, fiction, non-fiction, vampires, cookbooks, job search, and more!
National Christmas Tree Lighting Ticket Lottery | Opens Friday, 10:00 a.m. | On December 4, 2014 the National Park Foundation and National Park Service will present the 92nd annual National Christmas Tree Lighting. Nationally known entertainers and a United States military band add to the celebratory evening in which the President of the United States is invited to light the National Christmas Tree and bring a message of peace to the nation and world. The application period for the 2014 lottery begins at 10 a.m. (ET) on Friday, October 17 and ends at 10 a.m. (ET) on Monday, October 20. To register, visit recreation.gov and sign up for an account. Return to the recreation.gov home page and click the National Christmas tree link. Click the "Apply Now" button that will appear when in the upper right hand corner you're logged in at recreation.gov.
submitted by bonnieirisheyes to washingtondc [link] [comments]

ELI5: Why are Indian reservations so run-down?

Any time I have ever passed through in Indian reservation, the place looks like an absolute dump. Everything is on the verge of falling apart. In one reservation about an hour from where I live in Idaho, it's so bad that you would think you were reading from a Hollywood script. An abandoned mill, rusty tractors by the main road, and the only stores are a gas station, smoke shops and liquor stores. It's a jaw-dropping level of terrible.
The one exception? Casinos. The Indian casino, quite a few miles from the "downtown" of the reservation, is quite nice. The building is clean and polished from the inside out. The entrance has a lovely waterfall and a large assortment of plants. Granted, it's no Bellagio, but they clearly have their shit together.
And in case you are wondering, I've travelled through most states west of the Mississippi, and every Indian reservation I've passed through meets this profile, so what is going on?
submitted by Maniacal_warlock to explainlikeimfive [link] [comments]

Visiting 28th-1st... Are we doing it right? Can you help us do it better!?

My lovely girlfriend and I will be visiting May 28th through the 1st. Below are some ideas we got from this subreddit (THANK YOU!!) I think we got a lot covered but I'm sure there's even more. Any suggestions would be totally appreciated! But first.. a bit of info about us. Its going to be random.. Sorry.. But thanks all at the same time:
We are in our early 20s (old enough to drink). We like to drink. We are Ent friendly. We like to eat (DUH). Not really interested in going to 'clubs'. Free is always good. Cheap is nice too but that doesn't mean we wont indulge in some fine dining or a nice show (We already have tickets to BMG and Vegas The Show). Walking isn't a problem (We will get a bus/Monorailpass). The lady will probably wanna 'shop'. Not really my thing. That is all I can think of right now.
Ok so here's our list:
Not Free:
submitted by faqall to vegas [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, May 17th - Tue, May 23rd)

Oklahoma City's event list.

Wednesday, May 17th

Thursday, May 18th

  • 🎨 Annual Spring Show artwork by Lu Beard, Beth Hammack, Dodge Hill, Phebe Kallstrom, Margot Holaday, Amy Maguire, John & Marylou M (The Studio Gallery - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 The Studio Gallery, 2646 W. Britton Rd., OKC, is pleased to announce its
    2017 Spring Show Thursday, April 20, 5:30 - 7:30pm.
    The show will feature new works of art by: Lu Beard, Beth Hammack, Dodge Hill,
    Phebe Kallstrom, Margot Holaday, Amy Maguire, John & Marylou Moad,
    Lacy Saak, Mary Lee Smiser, Kay Smith, Jessie Ann Wallentine and…
  • Art After 5 Roof Terrace (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm OKCMOA’s Roof Terrace gives visitors the ultimate downtown experience every Thursday evening from April through October with live local music, the best views of downtown OKC, a relaxing atmosphere, and a cash bar. (Weather Permitting.) Bands starting at 6 pm-9 pm See website for listings
  • Beth Hammack and Andy Mattern in two solo exhibitions (JRB Art at the Elms - Oklahoma City) 1 day left OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma – JRB Art at The Elms is featuring Beth Hammack and Andy Mattern in two solo exhibitions. Showing concurrently will be “Sky”, a group landscape show with Karl Brenner, Robert Schneider, and Janis Krendick. The exhibitions open with an evening reception from 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. on Friday, May 5th, during the…
  • Bid Opening (Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:30am Bid Opening Agency: Transportation, Oklahoma Department of - ODOT Contact Phone: Contact Email: [email protected] [email protected] Event Resources: Event Phone: Event Email: [email protected] [email protected] Close Details Window
  • 🎭 Creating Claire (Carpenter Square Theatre - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, May 20th PROVOCATIVE NEW PLAY AT CARPENTER SQUARE
    Carpenter Square Theatre presents "Creating Claire," a comedy-drama by Joe DiPietro, May 12-June 3. All performances of the provocative new play that centers around a family raising an autistic daughter, and pits Faith versus Science, will be at 800 W. Main in downtown Oklahoma City. More information…
  • 😂 Drew Thomas (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, May 20th Comic Shows are loading, please refresh page if shows do not appear. 21 & over Show Time:Thursday 5/18/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Thursday 5/18/2017 @ 7:30 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 5/19/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Friday 5/19/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 5/19/2017 @ 10:30 PM Arrival…
  • 🎨 Drink and Draw (Tree and Leaf - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Drink & Draw is hosted every Thursday at either Brass Bell Studios, The Okay See, or Tree & Leaf from 8-11pm.
    Here is the weekly schedule:
    1st Thursday: The Okay See
    2nd Thursday: Brass Bell Studios
    3rd - 4th - 5th Thursdays: Tree & Leaf
    Drink & Draw is open to anyone that wants to attend. While consuming alcohol is welcome, it…
  • 🏆 Family Night Skate (Skate Galaxy - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm FAMILY NIGHT SKATE Thursdays 6pm-9pm & Sundays 6pm-8pm Admission is only $6 (includes skate rental) per person! Family Night $29 Package Special! Includes: Admission, Skate Rental, Pizza & Drinks For up to 5 Family members!
  • 🎓 God's-Eye View of You (Christian Science Church Auditorium - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm International Speaker, Fujiko Signs, practitioner and teacher of Christian Science healing, will explore the power of prayer and how it strengthens hope, faith, and healing in our lives.
  • Guilford Gardens Tour and Dinner (Guilford Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:30pm Thursday, May 18, 5:30 – 8:30pm Guilford Gardens, Nichols Hills, OK $45 Members; $55 Nonmembers Register by Friday, Apr 28 online at www.myriadgardens.org Ages 21 and up
    Kamala Gamble and Barbara Mock, chefs and gardeners, run Guilford Gardens, a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Garden that grows delicious and organic produce…
  • HubBub Improv (District House - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • 🎨 Jeffrey Gibson: Speak to Me (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, May 20th Start Time: 9:00am Internationally known multimedia artist Jeffrey Gibson’s first Oklahoma solo exhibition will feature recent artworks that draw upon his Native American heritage (Choctaw and Cherokee) and intertribal aesthetics and traditions. Gibson’s art draws thoughtful attention to cultural and historical traditions while affirming their vitality and…
  • Mushroomhead, Sunflower Dead, The Browning, Relicseed, Less than Human and Voodoo Dolls (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm MUSHROOMHEAD Thu - May 18 Diamond Ballroom 8001 S. Eastern Ave. Oklahoma City, OK PRESENTED BY TLP ENTERTAINMENT with Special Guests SUNFLOWER DEAD THE BROWNING RELICSEED LESS THAN HUMAN VOODOO DOLLS
    Tickets On Sale Now Buy For Less locations in OKC Brady Box Office or Starship Records in Tulsa Charge by phone @…
  • 🎨 National Weather Center Biennale Art Show (National Weather Center - Norman) Thru Sat, May 20th Start Time: 7:00am Following on the heels of two successful events, the National Weather Center at the University of Oklahoma has again partnered with the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art and the Norman Arts Council to announce the third National Weather Center Biennale, which opens April 23, 2017 at 1:00pm. The Biennale is free and open to the public daily from 7am…
  • Novel Art, 38 Select Works by Maker Allin KHG Toy Show (Kasum Contemporary Fine Art - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Novel Art, 38 Select Works by Maker Allin KHG
    Toy Show Exhibiting: May 12th through 25th, 2017
  • 🏆 Oklahoma County Ducks Unlimited's 3rd Annual Night at the Ballpark (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Come enjoy a night at the ballpark with the Oklahoma County Chapter of Ducks Unlimited (DU) and the OKC Dodgers. The Oklahoma County Chapter is holding its 3rd annual fundraising event on Thursday, May 18, 2017 at the Bricktown Ballpark, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
    Each year, local Ducks Unlimited chapters hold grassroots fundraising events to…
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Management Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience of witnessing of life-threatening events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, or physical or sexual assault in adult or childhood. Some people will have stress reactions that do not go away on their own, or may even get worse…
  • 🎨 Re-Emerge (50 Penn Place, Lower Level - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, May 20th Start Time: 11:30am Oklahoma Art Guild's annual juried member show featuring a variety of established and emerging local artists. Jurors this year are Suzanne Wallace Mears and Kyle Golding.
  • 🎨 Sculptures and paintings by Glen Thomas Exhibit (50 Penn Art Gallery - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Carolyn, please run the following under the Exhibits listings in the May 7th edition of the Oklahoman:
    Sculptures and paintings by Glen Thomas, through June 30th. 50 Penn Place Gallery, 1900 NW Expressway. There will be an opening reception at 6 p.m. Friday (May 12th) 848-5567
  • 🎡 Shop Hop on Auto Alley (Automobile Alley - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Thursday, January 21, 2016
    6:00-9:00 p.m.
    Broadway Ave. between NW 4th and 10th streets
    On the Third Thursday of every month, cruise historic Automobile Alley for open house events at local shops, extended shopping hours at retailers, live music, street artists and performers, kids' activities, great food from Auto Alley…
  • $ Student Spring Arts Show Nurturing the Creative Spirit in Young and Old alike (Studio112 and a Half - Shawnee) 1 day left For exhibits maybe?
    From: Kimberly Burk Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 3:40 PM To: Matthew Price Subject: FW: Studio 112 and a half May Art Show Release
    Studio 112 and a half 112 ½ E.Main. Shawnee, OK. 74801. 405-314-4702
  • Survivors of Suicide Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Nearly 31,000 people take their own lives each year. As a survivor – a family member or friend of the victim – you may need help coming to terms with suicide. This group offers the opportunity to share, listen, teach and learn with others also overcoming the loss of a loved one. Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month.
  • Tower Theater Studio Series (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Tower Theatre - Studio Series Tower Theatre Studio 425 NW 23rd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73103
    Date: Robert Ellis - Studio Series Tower Theatre Studio Friday May 05, 2017 at 08:00 PM Matthew Logan Vasquez (Delta Spirit) - Studio Series Tower Theatre Studio Thursday…
  • Oklahoma City Whitewater Festival (Riversport Rapids - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, May 21st Instigated in 2017, the annual Oklahoma City Whitewater Festival brings national athletes together in the hopes of…
  • Works by Abstract/Expressionist Artists MaryAnn Ceballos and Jerry Piper (Contemporary Art Gallery - Oklahoma City) 1 day left

Friday, May 19th

  • 3rd Friday Block pARTy (Downtown - Shawnee) During the 3rd Friday Block pARTy in Shawnee, local restaurants, art galleries and merchants are open late in the…
  • 🎭 4 of a Kind (American Legion Post 12 - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🏆 Bedlam Baseball vs. Oklahoma State University Baseball (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 7:05pm Oklahoma State Cowboys will be in the Visiting Dugout on the First Base Line. Oklahoma Sooners will be in the Home Dugout on the Third Base Line. No outside food or beverage allowed in ballpark. Children aged 3 years and over need a ticket for admittance. No weapons of any kind allowed in ballpark. No chairs allowed in lawn section. All Sales…
  • Beth Hammack and Andy Mattern in two solo exhibitions (JRB Art at the Elms - Oklahoma City) Last Day OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma – JRB Art at The Elms is featuring Beth Hammack and Andy Mattern in two solo exhibitions. Showing concurrently will be “Sky”, a group landscape show with Karl Brenner, Robert Schneider, and Janis Krendick. The exhibitions open with an evening reception from 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. on Friday, May 5th, during the…
  • Bike to Work Day (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00am
  • 🎭 Creating Claire (Carpenter Square Theatre - Oklahoma City) 1 day left PROVOCATIVE NEW PLAY AT CARPENTER SQUARE
    Carpenter Square Theatre presents "Creating Claire," a comedy-drama by Joe DiPietro, May 12-June 3. All performances of the provocative new play that centers around a family raising an autistic daughter, and pits Faith versus Science, will be at 800 W. Main in downtown Oklahoma City. More information…
  • 😂 Drew Thomas (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Comic Shows are loading, please refresh page if shows do not appear. 21 & over Show Time:Thursday 5/18/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Thursday 5/18/2017 @ 7:30 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 5/19/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Friday 5/19/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 5/19/2017 @ 10:30 PM Arrival…
  • Groove Merchants (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00pm Fri, May 19th 8pm - $15 Cash/Check Call (405) 974-2100 to reserve seats
  • 🎭 "Happy Daze Homicide" 6:15 p.m. (Ted's Escondido - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm
  • 🎨 Jeffrey Gibson: Speak to Me (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 9:00am Internationally known multimedia artist Jeffrey Gibson’s first Oklahoma solo exhibition will feature recent artworks that draw upon his Native American heritage (Choctaw and Cherokee) and intertribal aesthetics and traditions. Gibson’s art draws thoughtful attention to cultural and historical traditions while affirming their vitality and…
  • May Daze Festival (Main Street - Blanchard) Day 1 of 2 The annual May Daze Festival marks the unofficial start to summer in Blanchard. This event, held downtown on Main…
  • 🎨 National Weather Center Biennale Art Show (National Weather Center - Norman) 1 day left Start Time: 7:00am Following on the heels of two successful events, the National Weather Center at the University of Oklahoma has again partnered with the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art and the Norman Arts Council to announce the third National Weather Center Biennale, which opens April 23, 2017 at 1:00pm. The Biennale is free and open to the public daily from 7am…
  • Novel Art, 38 Select Works by Maker Allin KHG Toy Show (Kasum Contemporary Fine Art - Oklahoma City) Last Day Novel Art, 38 Select Works by Maker Allin KHG
    Toy Show Exhibiting: May 12th through 25th, 2017
  • The Okie Tramps (Ioway Casino - Chandler) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Premiere on Film Row (Film Row - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm The Film Row District hosts Premiere on Film Row, a monthly block party, from 7-10 p.m. along W. Sheridan Avenue between Dewey and Shartel downtown.
    Premiere on Film Row is a family-friendly event on the third Friday of each month, featuring film screenings, live music, art exhibitions and gourmet food trucks. There is no cost to attend.
  • 🎨 Re-Emerge (50 Penn Place, Lower Level - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 11:30am Oklahoma Art Guild's annual juried member show featuring a variety of established and emerging local artists. Jurors this year are Suzanne Wallace Mears and Kyle Golding.
  • 🍴 Saints Brewfest (Midtown - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Spend the evening toasting St. Anthony at Saints Brewfest from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. on Friday, August 19, 2017. Returning for the third year with a new name and location, Saints Brewfest will take place on the northwest corner of NW 9th and Walker on St. Anthony’s Midtown campus. Hosted by St. Anthony Foundation and Byron’s Liquor Warehouse,…
  • 🎨 Sculptures and paintings by Glen Thomas Exhibit (50 Penn Art Gallery - Oklahoma City) Last Day Carolyn, please run the following under the Exhibits listings in the May 7th edition of the Oklahoman:
    Sculptures and paintings by Glen Thomas, through June 30th. 50 Penn Place Gallery, 1900 NW Expressway. There will be an opening reception at 6 p.m. Friday (May 12th) 848-5567
  • Shane Henry Album Release (VZD's - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🎓 Showstoppers 2017 Regionals (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 3:00pm
  • Speedealer (Blue Note - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm https://www.facebook.com/Speedealer-16197817734/ https://www.instagram.com/ speedealer_official/ https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcostanzas.bandcamp.com%2Freleases&h=ATO3BJOWgm0L8z1bXiPqlshS8ca9T-l6idIcR7dTp93Z5pdKePXJSRQIrLURvhOIDGESjAXbXhHqNRi-MMZ4RTpAaeWz1w
  • Speedealer (Blue Note - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm https://www.facebook.com/Speedealer-16197817734/ https://www.instagram.com/ speedealer_official/ https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcostanzas.bandcamp.com%2Freleases&h=ATO3BJOWgm0L8z1bXiPqlshS8ca9T-l6idIcR7dTp93Z5pdKePXJSRQIrLURvhOIDGESjAXbXhHqNRi-MMZ4RTpAaeWz1w
  • Star Spangled Salute Air Show (Tinker AFB) Thru Sun, May 21st Performances by:
    • F-35A Lightning II Heritage Flight Team
    • FIGHTERJETS, INC. - Randy Ball
    • SHOCKWAVE & Flash Fire Jet Trucks
    • U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds
  • $ Student Spring Arts Show Nurturing the Creative Spirit in Young and Old alike (Studio112 and a Half - Shawnee) Last Day For exhibits maybe?
    From: Kimberly Burk Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 3:40 PM To: Matthew Price Subject: FW: Studio 112 and a half May Art Show Release
    Studio 112 and a half 112 ½ E.Main. Shawnee, OK. 74801. 405-314-4702
  • Oklahoma City Whitewater Festival (Riversport Rapids - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, May 21st Instigated in 2017, the annual Oklahoma City Whitewater Festival brings national athletes together in the hopes of…
  • Works by Abstract/Expressionist Artists MaryAnn Ceballos and Jerry Piper (Contemporary Art Gallery - Oklahoma City) Last Day

Saturday, May 20th

  • 🎓 2017 Triage Cancer Survivorship Conference (Courtyard by Marriott Oklahoma City Downtown - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am This is a FREE conferences for cancer patients survivors, caregivers, advocates, and oncology health care professionals.There you will learn valuable information about navigating practical cancer survivorship issues wherever you may find yourself on your cancer survivorship journey. Topics discussed include: Being an empowered patient and…
  • Armed Forces Day River Cruise (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:30am Active Duty/Retired military ride free with military ID on May 20th. Guests pay as you board.
  • 🏆 Bedlam Baseball vs. Oklahoma State University Baseball (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 7:05pm Oklahoma State Cowboys will be in the Visiting Dugout on the First Base Line. Oklahoma Sooners will be in the Home Dugout on the Third Base Line. No outside food or beverage allowed in ballpark. Children aged 3 years and over need a ticket for admittance. No weapons of any kind allowed in ballpark. No chairs allowed in lawn section. All Sales…
  • Byron Berline Band (Byron's Doublestope Fiddleshop & Music Hall - Guthrie) Start Time: 7:30pm music
  • Chasing Gypsies Outdoor Market (Purcell Lake - Purcell) If you love all things re-purposed and vintage, the Chasing Gypsies Outdoor Market in Purcell is a great place to find…
  • 🎭 Creating Claire (Carpenter Square Theatre - Oklahoma City) Last Day PROVOCATIVE NEW PLAY AT CARPENTER SQUARE
    Carpenter Square Theatre presents "Creating Claire," a comedy-drama by Joe DiPietro, May 12-June 3. All performances of the provocative new play that centers around a family raising an autistic daughter, and pits Faith versus Science, will be at 800 W. Main in downtown Oklahoma City. More information…
  • Date Night: Couples in the Kitchen (Venue 104 Bistro & Catering - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Join us along with Chef Harris as we embark on a one of a kind couples' culinary adventure. This exclusive date will feature a series of hands on instructionals, tips, recipes and so much more. Dinner and all materials needed will be included with the price of admission, all you will need to bring is your date and your appetite! Date Night is a…
  • Downtown Edmond Historic Tours (Downtown - Edmond) Join experts with the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust to learn something new with a downtown tour of historic Edmond.…
  • 😂 Drew Thomas (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day Comic Shows are loading, please refresh page if shows do not appear. 21 & over Show Time:Thursday 5/18/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Thursday 5/18/2017 @ 7:30 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 5/19/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Friday 5/19/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 5/19/2017 @ 10:30 PM Arrival…
  • Edmond Farmers Market (Edmond) Start Time: 8:00am
  • 🎓 FRee Device Workshop (U.S. Cellular - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am How do you check the daily weather forecast? A recent U.S. Cellular survey indicated that 93 percent of smartphone owners use a weather app on their device to check the forecast once a month or more.
    During a free Device Workshop on Saturday, May 20, U.S. Cellular associates will show people how they can rely on their smartphone, such as the…
  • 🏆 FREE Learn To Skate Lesson (Skate Galaxy - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 12:00pm FREE Learn to Skate Lesson Every Saturday from 12:00pm-12:45pm! The lesson is free and no sign up required! Don't have a pair of skates? No problem! Rentals start at $2! ALL AGES WELCOMED! We have a large range in sizes from little trainer skates for the smaller family members and large sizes for the bigger ones :)
  • Ghosts of Fort Reno Tour (Historic Fort Reno - El Reno) Come along on an exciting and spooky ghost tour at El Reno's historic Fort Reno. This ghost tour includes…
  • Heard on Hurd (Edmond) Start Time: 6:00pm On the third Saturday of each month, downtown Edmond hosts a pop-up community celebration called Heard on Hurd. Walk…
  • History Comes Alive- River Cruise (OK River Cruise Landings - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:30am Experience history as you never have before. Colorful Oklahoma characters will reenact history through the eyes of those who created it! Pay as you board.
  • 🎨 Jeffrey Gibson: Speak to Me (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am Internationally known multimedia artist Jeffrey Gibson’s first Oklahoma solo exhibition will feature recent artworks that draw upon his Native American heritage (Choctaw and Cherokee) and intertribal aesthetics and traditions. Gibson’s art draws thoughtful attention to cultural and historical traditions while affirming their vitality and…
  • Live Music 7:30pm $10 (Gunthrie Music Hall - Guthrie) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • Live Music- Adam Ledbetter (Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Massay's DanceStar Productions 25th Annual Showcase (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Performance Times: 10:30am, 2pm, 6:30pm
  • May Daze Festival (Main Street - Blanchard) Day 2 of 2 The annual May Daze Festival marks the unofficial start to summer in Blanchard. This event, held downtown on Main…
  • Mickey Gilley in Concert (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm Visit Riverwind Casino in Norman for the chance to see country musician Mickey Gilley perform live. Known for songs like…
  • 🎨 National Weather Center Biennale Art Show (National Weather Center - Norman) Last Day Start Time: 7:00am Following on the heels of two successful events, the National Weather Center at the University of Oklahoma has again partnered with the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art and the Norman Arts Council to announce the third National Weather Center Biennale, which opens April 23, 2017 at 1:00pm. The Biennale is free and open to the public daily from 7am…
  • OKC Energy FC vs OC Blues (Taft Stadium - Oklahoma City) Experience the excitement of major league soccer in Oklahoma as the Oklahoma City Energy Football Club takes on the OC…
  • Oklahoma Craft Beer Week Block Party (N Broadway Ave & NW 9th St - Oklahoma City) Come to OKC's Automobile Alley for a craft beer blowout featuring local breweries, shops and live music at…
  • 🎡 Oklahoma Craft Beer Week Block Party (Automobile Alley - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 2:00pm Join all the businesses on 9th Street in Automobile Alley for a block party celebrating Oklahoma Craft Beer Week! Many local breweries, local shops, music and food & drink specials! More info coming!!
  • 🎨 Re-Emerge (50 Penn Place, Lower Level - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 11:30am Oklahoma Art Guild's annual juried member show featuring a variety of established and emerging local artists. Jurors this year are Suzanne Wallace Mears and Kyle Golding.
  • 🏆 ROLLER DERBY - Sooner Skate Tournament (Arctic Edge Ice Arena - Edmond) Start Time: 9:30am It's that time of year again! Join your Oklahoma Victory Dolls for the 3rd annual Sooner Skate tournament!
    This year's Sooner Skate is a D3-level, WFTDA-sanctioned D3 tournament, showcasing some of the best D3 teams from Oklahoma, Texas, and beyond. Hosted by the Oklahoma Victory Dolls, a 501(c)(3) organization based in Oklahoma City,…
  • 🏃 Run 4 Air (Wild Horse Park - Mustang) The 5K is USATF certified and timed by DG Road Racing. All proceeds go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to help cure CF. Finding a cure for CF is very near and dear to our hearts as our 6 year old son, Jaxon has this disease. He is a living testimony of the advancements that have been made in the care and treatment of those battling CF. There…
  • 🎭 The Rusty Brooks Band (40&8 - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm The Rusty Brooks Band, starts at 7:30 PM, every Saturday night, 40 & 8, V-169, 3100 SW 119th , this should be listed under DANCE and you have a record on it from the past several years. Thank you for your help. Dwayne Collins, Grand Chef De Gare, Grand Du Oklahoma, 40 & 8 Charities. Cell # 641-7004
  • 🎓 Showstoppers 2017 Regionals (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 3:00pm
  • 🏃 SPE Gusher Gallop (Stars & Stripes Park - Oklahoma City) The Society of Petreoleum Engineers presents the Annual Gusher Gallop 5 km race and 1 mile fun run, featuring Corporate Team Categories
  • 🎨 Spring Sampler Tour (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm Museum docents offer 45-minute tours of their favorite spring exhibitions. From headdresses to Hollywood legends and Western illustrations to the art and history of bandannas, gain insight into the diverse cultures that have shaped the West. Be sure to leave plenty of time to check out The Museum Store! Saturdays and Sundays from March 25 –…
  • Star Spangled Salute Air Show (Tinker AFB) 1 day left Performances by:
    • F-35A Lightning II Heritage Flight Team
    • FIGHTERJETS, INC. - Randy Ball
    • SHOCKWAVE & Flash Fire Jet Trucks
    • U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds
  • 🎭 Tinkrt Flying High Big Band Dance (Midwest City Senior Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm TINKER FLYING HIGH BIG BAND DANCE
    8251 E. RENO AVE. 737-7611
    7 PM - 9:30 PM
    POC: RICH RASMUSSEN (405) 769 3010
    8251 E. RENO AVE. 737-7611
    7 PM - 9:30 PM
  • 🏃 Walk for Wellness/5K "Run to the Beat of the Drum (Midwest City) In a continued effort to help fight the growing epidemic of diabetes and pre-diabetes among Native Americans, the Oklahoma City Indian Clinic will be hosting its 17th annual Walk for Wellness fun run with an amazing addition, a 5k. Our annual event will be held on May 20, 2017 at Joe B. Barnes Regional Park at 8700 E Reno Ave, Midwest City, OK…
  • Oklahoma City Whitewater Festival (Riversport Rapids - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Instigated in 2017, the annual Oklahoma City Whitewater Festival brings national athletes together in the hopes of…
  • 🏃 Yoga Flow Level I Very Gentle (Moore Norman Technology Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am Practicing yoga is a way of life that can increase flexibility and reduce stress. This class is great for beginning yoga students, those recovering from illness, and those who have not exercised. This class level offers relaxation techniques and slow, easy movements to increase range of motion and strength. Students will practice Hatha Yoga…
  • 🏃 Yoga Flow Level I Very Gentle (Moore Norman Technology Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:30am Students will learn basic Hatha Yoga asanas (postures), including balancing ones, and smooth, flowing sequences. Flowing sequences, such as Sun Salutations and variations are done linking movement to breath. Abdominal breathing along with other types of breath work will be explored. Basic postures such as Warrior, Pigeon, Spinal Twist,…

Sunday, May 21st

  • Kim Massay Dance Productions (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Performance Times: 2pm & 6pm
  • Miller in May Home & Garden Tour (Miller Hayden - Oklahoma City) Come experience Oklahoma City charm in the historic Miller neighborhood. Tour seven homes and gardens showcasing the…
  • The Norman Singers Spring Concert (Wildwood Community Church - Norman) Come celebrate spring with the Norman Singers, a non-audition choir made up of Norman-area residents from all walks…
  • Star Spangled Salute Air Show (Tinker AFB) Last Day Performances by:
    • F-35A Lightning II Heritage Flight Team
    • FIGHTERJETS, INC. - Randy Ball
    • SHOCKWAVE & Flash Fire Jet Trucks
    • U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds
  • Oklahoma City Whitewater Festival (Riversport Rapids - Oklahoma City) Last Day Instigated in 2017, the annual Oklahoma City Whitewater Festival brings national athletes together in the hopes of…

Monday, May 22nd

  • Milk Moms (Thrive Mama Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Pint Night at The Mule (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm Come try a new brew and keep the glass while you're at it!
  • Public Access: Open Mic Mondays (District House - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Got talents? Come rock the mic.

Tuesday, May 23rd

  • SoundBites (Oklahoma City) Pause for lunch with a relaxing reprieve from the office break room. Head instead to Kerr Park in downtown Oklahoma City…
  • Wheeler Criterium (Oklahoma City) Once the weather starts warming up, gather your crew and head south of the Oklahoma River for the Wheeler Criterium each…

See Also

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Subreddit Title Brand
food The Carnegie Deli is shutting down today. Here's a great piece by Katz's Deli owner Jake Dell on Carnegie, the legacy of the Jewish deli, and love of food MISC Dell
food New years Starter, Lobster au Gratin, Scallop woth sweetpea cremé and caviar of Kalix toast Homemade au
AskReddit Americans of Reddit, how much does Trump's Twitter feed bother you? Twitter
LifeProTips LPT Red Bull and V8 mixed together are surprisingly good. Red Bull
funny Someone in my apartment complex parked a brand new Jeep Grand Cherokee and left it running Jeep
explainlikeimfive ELI5: Why is it that after years of using Facebook I'm only now getting a "pop-up" telling me about cookies? Facebook
tifu TIFU by having sex in a Taco Bell bathroom. Bell
mildlyinteresting Neighbor parked a brand new Jeep Grand Cherokee and forgot to shut it off - been idling for over 3 hours now Jeep
mildlyinteresting America is a Year Behind The United Kingdom at the moment United
mildlyinteresting There is a fence on the face of the Lego Beast Lego
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nottheonion Spokane man claims ageism after being banned from Starbucks for hitting on teen barista Starbucks
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funny My brother just uploaded this to Facebook captioned "taking selfies with my 5ft girlfriend isn't easy" Facebook
todayilearned TIL to celebrate the 100th anniversary of college football in 1969, Kansas Jayhawks kicker Bill Bell wore the number "100". He is one of only two players to wear a number higher than 99 in an officially sanctioned football game Bell
AskReddit What are some of the most important languages to learn other than English as someone from the United States? United
Showerthoughts The ABC New Years anchors had to have been the inspiration for the Capitol citizens of The Hunger Games. ABC
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personalfinance Which Hilton card: Amex Surpass or Citi Reserve? Hilton
videos A promotion McDonald's did around '88-'89 where a lucky person got to win $1,000,000 if they found a record with the winning tune. McDonald's
news New Year's Attack on Packed Istanbul Club Leaves 35 Dead - ABC News ABC
todayilearned TIL "Kool-Aid pickles" have become popular with kids in the Delta region of Mississippi. The recipe's simple: take dill pickles, cut them in half, and then soak them in strong Kool-Aid for more than a week. The sweet vinegar snacks are known to sell out at fairs and generally go for $.50 to a $1. Delta
gaming I saw this bizarre promo at a Microsoft store Microsoft
todayilearned TIL Kuwait almost doubled is meat consumption kg/person between 2002 and 2009, from 60.2kg to 119.2kg. Almost drawing level with the United States, the world leader, at 120.2kg. Bangladesh has the lowest meat consumption at only 4kg. United
AskReddit The United States has died, and all the nations of the world gather at the funeral. How does it go? United
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mildlyinteresting My Taco Bell sauce packet was blank. Bell
nottheonion Zsa Zsa Gabor’s widower carries late wife’s ashes in Louis Vuitton dog bag after funeral Louis Vuitton
funny This random Starbucks notification. Starbucks
WritingPrompts WP the Chinese have peacefully taken control of the United States Gov. All guns, explosives, planes, and ships are taken away before the Chinese shut down the entire power grid. Right before they do though they leave one message via TV, radio, and billboards, "last state standing wins". United
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AskReddit Those who Uber or Lyft with rentals, is it worth it in detail? Uber
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photoshopbattles PsBattle: 2016 Honda drug-lord sxt Honda
WritingPrompts WP Verizon responds to the "can you hear me now" guy's betrayal. Verizon
television DirecTV drops ABC and NBC minutes before midnight ABC
Futurology How Amazon, Google, and Facebook Will Bring Down Telcos Facebook
science An Economic Geography of the United States: From Commutes to Megaregions United
gaming Found this amazing gift while cleaning, from the Australian Xbox launch party in 2002 Xbox
gaming This girl actually goes thru aggressively & fast paced. Game's relatively easy on Normal/Hard but most Youtube vids are just going through it without aggression & style which is unfortunate cuz I feel the game's animation & mechanics I feel really make it have a flexible ceiling for stylistic play. Youtube
gaming ESRB, SONY, Microsoft, Nintendo, Apple and Google logic. Apple
gaming ESRB, SONY, Microsoft, Nintendo, Apple and Google logic. Google
worldnews Turkey attack survivor: There were bodies on the floor - BBC News BBC
AskReddit Reddit, what is your favourite Google Chrome extension? Google
Showerthoughts Coca-Cola is just Budweiser for children. Budweiser
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worldnews North Korea 'close to testing long-range missiles' - BBC News BBC
AskReddit I recently found out about Family Sharing for Apple Devices, what other companies have a program like this? Apple
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AskReddit I do just about as much searching on Youtube as Google. Whereas one verb is called 'Googling' or just 'Google', what would you say would be a good verb for 'Youtube searching' ? Youtube
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Showerthoughts Even though Chanel West Coast is on ridiculousness because shes cute, I know that everyone hates her because her annoying laugh Chanel
Music George Michael 'wanted to die' - Fadi Fawaz' Twitter reports that he was suicidal Twitter
Showerthoughts Since Google owns Android, Google is the world's largest Clock manufacturer. Google
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explainlikeimfive ELI5: How do Google and GIS products know the elevation of a certain point? Google
worldnews Protests as McDonald's opens in Vatican McDonald's
DIY Made a Hanging Succulent Shell for my SO's Birthday Shell
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news 'Terrorists' freed in Bahrain prison raid - BBC News BBC
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WritingPrompts EU Instead of a humanoid Clark Kent is an eldritch abomination. However, Ma and Pa Kent still raised him to be a polite young man. Kent
todayilearned TIL that Thomas & Friends was not the first television adaption of the Railway Series - in 1953, the BBC commisioned a live adaption of "The Sad Story of Henry" During broadcast, a failure to switch the points caused the model of Henry to derail and a human hand to reach out and re-attach it. BBC
todayilearned TIL Nike commissioned LCD Soundsystem to make an album for jogging, to reward and push at good intervals of a run. First claiming that the composition had been refined after several runs on the treadmill, LCD later admitted that this was entirely a lie on his part, and that he does not actually jog Nike
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gaming Classic PS2 and Xbox game "Psychonauts" down to 69p on steam. 90% Xbox
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food Pro/Chef The Apple pie by Cédric Grolet Apple
worldnews Nightclub attack: Manhunt after dozens killed in Istanbul - BBC News BBC
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gaming Steam Top 100 For 2016, No Man's Sky on top 12 Sky
worldnews Expelled Russian diplomats leave United States United
sports Massive zoomable image if Orange Bowl crowd Orange
food Found The Apple pie by Cédric Grolet Apple
videos I got drunk dialed by a stranger last night and let it go to my Google Voice mailbox. This is that voicemail. GVoice transcription in comments. Google
gaming Me and my girlfriend have completed almost every Lego game to date. Lego
funny "Are you guys even listening?" He said to the passed out couple in McDonald's on New Years. McDonald's
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AskReddit What are some of the best highway exits in the United States? United
gifs Your Uber has arrived Uber
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worldnews MAS*H star William Christopher dies - BBC News BBC
gaming Buying a Xbox One and would like game suggestions Xbox
funny Turnt On New Years Eve - A Southern Tale From Facebook 2016 Facebook
personalfinance Those of you who use Quicken, Microsoft Money, etc Do you "close the book" at the end of the year? Microsoft
worldnews MAS*H star William Christopher dies - BBC News BBC
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Both Hollywood and the tribe are actively on improving the roads. Plus increased security for residents of the local area and visitors to the casino. A temporary alcohol license was granted last year when the casino opened. The casino operates 24 hours daily. However, alcohol is served only from 10 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. Here are some actual tips 1) Give yourself at least 1 1/2 hours to park and get in to the venue. 2) They will check you bags, pockets, boots, and sunscreen for drugs and alcohol. hollywood casino amphitheatre tinley park location • hollywood casino amphitheatre tinley park address • Hollywood Casino at Kansas Speedway Welcome to Hollywood, where you’ll find all of your favorite traditional reel and video slots, plus video poker, as well as as your favorite table games. Take a break and enjoy a meal at one of our restaurants, including Turn 2, which sports spectacular views of the Kansas Speedway. Reviews from Hollywood Casino employees about working as a Bartender at Hollywood Casino. Learn about Hollywood Casino culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. 139 reviews of Hollywood Casino Aurora "The Hollywood Casino in Aurora is about the only thing to do in Aurora, beside going to look for Wayne and Garth. There is no admission charge. The table games usually have a $15-$25 minimum. Hollywood does offer live poker play, but there is a waiting list usually. I'm not Mike McDermott, so I stick to my home poker game. Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Casino Liquors at 1943 Pembroke Rd, Hollywood, FL 33020. Search for other Beer & Ale in Hollywood on The Real Yellow Pages®. Browse The 1,600-square-foot space inside the casino will offer popular liquor, beer and wine brands at reasonable prices. The store will also have a non-alcoholic beverage section and stock a variety of cigars and cigarettes. Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Casino Liquor at 13370 Highway 61 N, Robinsonville, MS 38664. Yes, the Casino is open 24 hrs., and alcohol is served anytime you like as there are beverage servers always on the floor. Coffee, tea, soda or water are complimentary however, there is a charge for alcohol beverages. There are a couple of self service drink areas throughout the casino floor for non-alcohol products, Tipping is always welcome. A recent thread over on Harrisburg Nightlife talking about Hollywood Casino in Grantville led to a discussion on Pennsylvania's liquor laws. The subject of the oft-discussed but rarely-seen mythical "entertainment license" came up. While no such license actually exists, I did uncover some interesting news about a (hopefully) upcoming liquor law change. 138 reviews of Hollywood Casino Aurora - Temp. CLOSED "The Hollywood Casino in Aurora is about the only thing to do in Aurora, beside going to look for Wayne and Garth. There is no admission charge. The table games usually have a $15-$25 minimum. Hollywood does offer live poker play, but there is a waiting list usually. I'm not Mike McDermott, so I stick to my home poker game.

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